
Through Vala VAPI bindings, application written with Valum can embed multiple interpreters and JIT to provide facilities for computation and templating.


luajit ships with a VAPI you can use to access a Lua VM, just add --pkg lua to valac.

valac --pkg valum-0.1 --pkg lua app.vala
require 'markdown'
return markdown('## Hello from lua.eval!')
using Valum;
using VSGI;
using Lua;

var app = new Router ();
var lua = new LuaVM ();

// GET /lua
app.get ("/lua", (req, res) => {
    // evaluate a string containing Lua code
    res.expand_utf8 (some_lua_code, null);

    // evaluate a file containing Lua code
    return res.expand_utf8 (lua.do_file ("scripts/hello.lua"));
}); ("http", handler: app.handle).run ();

The sample Lua script contains:

require 'markdown'
return markdown("# Hello from Lua!!!")
-- returned value will be appended to response body

Resulting response

<h1>Hello from Lua!!!</h1>

Scheme (TODO)

Scheme can be used to produce template or facilitate computation.

app.get ("/hello.scm", (req, res) => {
    return res.expand_utf8 ( ("scripts/hello.scm"));

Scheme code:

;; VALUM_ROOT/scripts/hello.scm
(+ 1 2 3)
;; returned value will be casted to string
;; and appended to response body