
Requests are representing incoming demands from user agents to resources served by an application.


Deprecated since version 0.3: libsoup-2.4 provide an enumeration of valid HTTP methods and this will be removed once exposed in their Vala API.

The Request class provides constants for the following HTTP methods:

  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT

Additionally, an array of supported HTTP methods is provided by Request.METHODS.

if (req.method == Request.GET) {
    return res.expand_utf8 ("Hello world!");

if (req.method == Request.POST) {
    return res.body.splice (req.body, OutputStreamSpliceFlags.NONE);

if (req.method in Request.METHODS) {
    // handle a standard HTTP method...


Request headers are implemented with libsoup-2.4/Soup.MessageHeaders and can be accessed from the headers property.

var accept = req.headers.get_one ("Accept");

libsoup-2.4 provides a very extensive set of utilities to process the information contained in headers.

SList<string> unacceptable;
Soup.header_parse_quality_list (req.headers.get_list ("Accept"), out unacceptable);


Cookies can also be retrieved from the request headers.


The HTTP query is provided in various way:

  • parsed as a HashTable<string, string>? through the Request.query property
  • raw with Request.uri.get_query

If the query is not provided (e.g. no ? in the URI), then the Request.query property will take the null value.


If the query is not encoded according to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, it has to be parsed explicitly.

To safely obtain a value from the HTTP query, use Request.lookup_query with the null-coalescing operator ??.

req.lookup_query ("key") ?? "default value";


The body is provided as a gio-2.0/GLib.InputStream by the body property. The stream is transparently decoded from any applied transfer encodings.

Implementation will typically consume the status line, headers and newline that separates the headers from the body in the base stream at construct time. It also guarantee that the body has been decoded if any transfer encoding were applied for the transport.

If the content is encoded with the Content-Encoding header, it is the responsibility of your application to decode it properly. VSGI provides common Converters to simplify the task.


New in version 0.2.4.

In some cases, it is practical to flatten the whole request body in a buffer in order to process it as a whole.

The flatten, flatten_bytes and flatten_utf8 functions accumulate the request body into a buffer (a gio-2.0/GLib.MemoryOutputStream) and return the corresponding uint8[] data buffer.

The request body is always fixed-size since the HTTP specification requires any request to provide a Content-Length header. However, the environment should be configured with a hard limit on payload size.

When you are done, it is generally a good thing to close the request body and depending on the used implementation, this could have great benefits such as freeing a file resource.

var payload = req.flatten ();


libsoup-2.4/Soup.Form can be used to parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded format, which is submitted by Web browsers.

var data = Soup.Form.decode (req.flatten_utf8 (out bytes_read));

Multipart body

Multipart body support is planned in a future minor release, more information on issue #81. The implementation will be similar to libsoup-2.4/Soup.MultipartInputStream and provide part access with a filter approach.