
This document describes the compilation and installation process. Most of that work is automated with Meson, a build tool written in Python.


Packages for RPM and Debian based Linux distributions will be provided for stable releases so that the framework can easily be installed in a container or production environment.


RPM packages for Fedora (24, 25 and rawhide) and EPEL 7 (CentOS, RHEL) are available from the arteymix/valum-framework Copr repository.

dnf copr enable arteymix/valum-framework

The valum-0.3 package contains the shared libraries, valum-0.3-devel contains all that is necessary to build an application and valum-0.3-doc deliver user and API documentation.

dnf install valum-0.3 valum-0.3-devel valum-0.3-doc


nix-shell -p valum


eopkg it valum

Arch Linux (AUR)

yaourt valum


If your project uses the Meson build system, you may integrate the framework as a subproject. The project must be cloned in the subprojects folder, preferably using a git submodule. Be careful using a tag and not the master trunk.

The following variables can be used as dependencies:

  • vsgi for the abstraction layer
  • valum for the framework

Note that due to Meson design, dependencies must be explicitly provided.

project('app', 'c', 'vala')

glib = dependency('glib-2.0')
gobject = dependency('gobject-2.0')
gio = dependency('gio-2.0')
soup = dependency('libsoup-2.4')
vsgi = subproject('valum').get_variable('vsgi')
valum = subproject('valum').get_variable('valum')

executable('app', 'app.vala',
           dependencies: [glib, gobject, gio, soup, vsgi, valum])


To use Valum with Docker, use the provided valum/valum image. It is based on the latest stable Ubuntu.

FROM valum/valum:latest

ADD . .

RUN valac --pkg=valum-0.3 app.vala




You can provision a Vagrant VM with Valum. There’s no Vagrantfile provided because each project will likely have it’s own setup and deployment constraints.



cd valum-0.3.0
mkdir build
meson --prefix=/usr --buildtype=release build
ninja -C build
ninja -C build test
ninja -C build install


The following dependencies are minimal to build the framework under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and should be satisfied by most recent Linux distributions.

Package Version
vala >=0.26
python >=3.4
meson >=0.36
ninja >=1.6.0
glib-2.0 >=2.40
gio-2.0 >=2.40
gio-unix-2.0 >=2.40
libsoup-2.4 >=2.44

Recent dependencies will enable more advanced features:

Package Version Feature
gio-2.0 >=2.44 better support for asynchronous I/O
libsoup-2.4 >=2.48 new server API

You can also install additional dependencies to build the examples, you will have to specify the -D enable_examples=true flag during the configure step.

Package Description
ctpl C templating library
gee-0.8 data structures
json-glib-1.0 JSON library
libmemcached client for memcached cache storage
libluajit embed a Lua VM
libmarkdown parser and generator for Markdown
template-glib templating library

Download the sources

You may either clone the whole git repository or download one of our releases from GitHub:

git clone git:// && cd valum

The master branch is a development trunk and is not guaranteed to be very stable. It is always a better idea to checkout the latest tagged release.


mkdir build && cd build
meson ..
ninja # or 'ninja-build' on some distribution


The framework can be installed for system-wide availability.

sudo ninja install

Once installed, VSGI implementations will be looked up into ${prefix}/${libdir}/vsgi-0.3/servers. This path can be changed by setting the VSGI_SERVER_PATH environment variable.

Run the tests

ninja test

If any of them fail, please open an issue on GitHub so that we can tackle the bug. Include the test logs (e.g. build/meson-private/mesonlogs.txt) and any relevant details.

Run the sample application

You can run the sample application from the build folder if you called meson with the -D enable_examples=true flag. The following example uses the HTTP server.
