
Thrown status codes (see Redirection and Error) can be handled with the valum-0.3/Valum.status middleware.

The received Request and Response object are in the same state they were when the status was thrown. An additional parameter provide access to the actual glib-2.0/GLib.Error object.

app.use (status (Soup.Status.NOT_FOUND, (req, res, next, context, err) => {
    // produce a 404 page...
    var message = err.message;

To jump to the next status handler found upstream in the routing queue, just throw the error. If the error can be resolved, you might want to try next once more.

app.status (Soup.Status.NOT_FOUND, (req, res) => {
    res.status = 404;
    return res.expand_utf8 ("Not found!");

app.status (Soup.Status.NOT_FOUND, (req, res, next, ctx, err) => {
    return next (); // try to route again or jump upstream

app.use (() => {
    throw new ClientError.NOT_FOUND ("");

If an error is not handled, it will eventually be caught by the default status handler, which produce a minimal response.

// turns any 404 into a permanent redirection
app.status (Soup.Status.NOT_FOUND, (req, res) => {
    throw new Redirection.PERMANENT ("");