
The basepath middleware allow a better isolation when composing routers by stripping a prefix on the Request URI.

The middleware strips and forwards requests which match the provided base path. If the resulting path is empty, it fallbacks to a root /.

Error which use their message as a Location header are automatically prefixed by the base path.

var user = new Router ();

user.get ("/<int:id>", (req, res) => {
    // ...
}); ("/", (req, res) => {
    throw new Success.CREATED ("/5");

app.use (basepath ("/user", user.handle));

app.status (Soup.Status.CREATED, (req, res) => {
    assert ("/user/5" == context["message"]);

If next is called while forwarding or an error is thrown, the original path is restored.

user.get ("/<int:id>", (req, res, next) => {
    return next (); // path is '/5'

app.use (basepath ("/user", user.handle));

app.use ((req, res) => {
    // path is '/user/5'

One common pattern is to provide a path-based fallback when using the Subdomain middleware.

app.use (subdomain ("api", api.handle));
app.use (basepath ("/api", api.handle));