Static Resource Delivery

Middlewares in the Valum.Static namespace ensure delivery of static resources.

using Valum.Static;

As of convention, all middleware use the path context key to resolve the resource to be served. This can easily be specified using a rule parameter with the path type.

For more flexibility, one can compute the path value and pass the control with next. The following example obtain the key form the HTTP query:

app.get ("/", sequence ((req, res, next, ctx) => {
    ctx["path"] = req.lookup_query ("path") ?? "index.html";
    return next ();
}, serve_from_file (File.new_for_uri ("resource://"))));

If a resource is not available (eg. the file does not exist), the control will be forwarded to the next route. The Sequence middleware should be used to turn that behaviour into a 404 Not Found.

app.get ("/", sequence (serve_from_file (File.new_for_uri ("resource://")),
                        (req, res, next, ctx) => {
    throw new ClientError.NOT_FOUND ("The static resource '%s' were not found.", ctx["path"]);


The serve_from_file middleware will serve resources relative to a GLib.File instance.

app.get ("/static/<path:path>", serve_from_file (File.new_for_path ("static")));

To deliver from the global resources, use the resource:// scheme.

app.get ("/static/<path:path>", serve_from_file (File.new_for_uri ("resource://static")));

Before being served, each file is forwarded to make it possible to modify headers more specifically or raise a last-minute error.

Once done, invoke the next continuation to send over the content.

app.get ("/static/<path:path>", serve_from_file (File.new_for_path ("static"),
                                                 (req, res, next, ctx, file) => {
    var user = ctx["user"] as User;
    if (!user.can_access (file)) {
        throw new ClientError.FORBIDDEN ("You cannot access this file.")
    return next ();

The ServeFlags.X_SENDFILE will only work for locally available files, meaning that GLib.File.get_path is non-null.

Resource bundle

The serve_from_resource middleware is provided to serve a resource bundle (see GLib.Resource) from a given prefix.

app.get ("/static/<path:path>", Static.serve_from_resource (Resource.load ("resource"),

The ServeFlags.ENABLE_LAST_MODIFIED is not supported since the necessary information cannot be determined.

The ServeFlags.X_SENDFILE is not supported since contained resources are not represented on the filesystem.



If the ServeFlags.ENABLE_ETAG is specified, a checksum of the resource will be generated in the ETag header.

If set and available, it will have precedence over ServeFlags.ENABLE_LAST_MODIFIED described below.


Unlike ETag, this caching feature is time-based and will indicate the last modification on the resource. This is only available for some GFile backend and will fallback to ETag if enabled as well.

Specify the ServeFlags.ENABLE_LAST_MODIFIED to enable this feature.


If the application run under a HTTP server, it might be preferable to let it serve static resources directly.

Public caching

The ServeFlags.ENABLE_PUBLIC let intermediate HTTP servers cache the payload.

Expose missing permissions

The ServeFlags.FORBID_ON_MISSING_RIGHTS will trigger a 403 Forbidden if rights are missing to read a file. This is not a default as it may expose information about the existence of certain files.