
Responses are representing resources requested by a user agent. They are actively streamed across the network, preferably using non-blocking asynchronous I/O.


The response status can be set with the status property. libsoup-2.4 provides an enumeration in Soup.Status for that purpose.

The status property will default to 200 OK.

The status code will be written in the response with write_head or write_head_async if invoked manually or during the first access to its body.

Server.new_with_application ("http", "org.vsgi.App", (req, res) => {
    res.status = Soup.Status.MALFORMED;
    return true;

Reason phrase

New in version 0.3.

The reason phrase provide a textual description for the status code. If null, which is the default, it will be generated using Soup.Status.get_phrase.

Server.new_with_application ("http", "org.vsgi.App", (req, res) => {
    res.status = Soup.Status.OK;
    res.reason_phrase = "Everything Went Well"
    return true;

To obtain final status line sent to the user agent, use the wrote_status_line signal.

res.wrote_status_line.connect ((http_version, status, reason_phrase) => {
    if (200 <= status < 300) {
        // assuming a success


The response headers can be accessed as a Soup.MessageHeaders from the headers property.

Server.new_with_application ("http", "org.vsgi.App", (req, res) => {
    res.status = Soup.Status.OK;
    res.headers.set_content_type ("text/plain", null);
    return res.body.write_all ("Hello world!".data, null);

Headers can be written in the response by invoking write_head or its asynchronous version write_head_async. The synchronous version is called automatically when the body is accessed for the first time.

res.write_head_async.begin (Priority.DEFAULT, null, () => {
    // produce the body...


Once written, any modification to the headers object will be ignored.

The head_written property can be tested to see if it’s already the case, even though a well written application should assume that already.

if (!res.head_written) {
    res.headers.set_content_type ("text/html", null);

Since headers can still be modified once written, the wrote_headers signal can be used to obtain definitive values.

res.wrote_headers (() => {
    foreach (var cookie in res.cookies) {
        message (cookie.to_set_cookie_header ());


The body of a response is accessed through the body property. It inherits from GLib.OutputStream and provides synchronous and asynchronous streaming capabilities.

The response body is automatically closed following a RAII pattern whenever the Response object is disposed.

Note that a reference to the body is not sufficient to maintain the inner Connection alive: a reference to either the Request or response be maintained.

You can still close the body early as it can provide multiple advantages:

  • avoid further and undesired read or write operation
  • indicate to the user agent that the body has been fully sent


New in version 0.3.

To deal with fixed-size body, expand, expand_bytes and expand_utf8 utilities as well as their respective asynchronous versions are provided.

It will automatically set the Content-Length header to the size of the provided buffer, write the response head and pipe the buffer into the body stream and close it properly.

Server.new_with_application ("http", "org.vsgi.App", (req, res) => {
    res.expand_utf8 ("Hello world!");


One common operation related to stream is filtering. GLib.FilterOutputStream and GLib.ConverterOutputStream provide, by composition, many filters that can be used for:

  • compression and decompression (gzip, deflate, compress, ...)
  • charset conversion
  • buffering
  • writting data

VSGI also provides its own set of Converters which cover parts of the HTTP/1.1 specifications such as chunked encoding.

var body = new ConverterOutputStream (res.body,
                                      new CharsetConverter (res.body, "iso-8859-1", "utf-8"));

return body.write_all ("Omelette du fromâge!", null);

Additionally, some filters are applied automatically if the Transfer-Encoding header is set. The obtained GLib.OutputStream will be wrapped appropriately so that the application can transparently produce its output.

res.headers.append ("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");
return res.body.write_all ("Hello world!".data, null);


New in version 0.3.

The body may be converted, see Converters for more details.


New in version 0.3.

The response body can be splitted pretty much like how the tee UNIX utility works. All further write operations will be performed as well on the passed stream, making it possible to process the payload sent to the user agent.

The typical use case would be to implement a file-based cache that would tee the produced response body into a key-based storage.

var cache_key   = Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.SHA256, req.uri.to_string ());
var cache_entry = File.new_for_path ("cache/%s".printf (cache_key));

if (cache_entry.query_exists ()) {
    return res.body.splice ( ());
} else {
    res.tee (cache_entry.create (FileCreateFlags.PRIVATE));

res.exand_utf8 ("Hello world!");


New in version 0.3.

To properly close the response, writing headers if missing, end is provided:

Server.new_with_application ("http", "org.vsgi.App", (req, res, next) => {
    res.status = Soup.Status.NO_CONTENT;
    return res.end () && next ();
}).then ((req, res) => {
    // perform blocking operation here...

To produce a message before closing, favour extend utilities.