
Assuming that Valum is built and installed correctly (view Installation for more details), you are ready to create your first application!

Unless you have installed Valum with --prefix=/usr or obtained it from your distribution, you might have to export both PKG_CONFIG_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

Some distributions store 64-bit libraries in a separate folder, typically lib64.

Simple ‘Hello world!’ application

You can use this sample application and project structure as a basis. The full valum-framework/example is available on GitHub and is kept up-to-date with the latest changes in the framework.

using Valum;
using VSGI;

var app = new Router ();

app.get ("/", (req, res) => {
    return res.expand_utf8 ("Hello world!");

Server.new_with_application ("http", "org.valum.example.App", app.handle).run ({"app", "--port", "3003"});

Typically, the run function contains CLI argument to make runtime the parametrizable.

It is suggested to use the following structure for your project, but you can do pretty much what you think is the best for your needs.


Building with valac

Simple applications can be built directly with valac:

valac --pkg=valum-0.3 -o build/app src/app.vala

The vala program will build and run the produced binary, which is convenient for testing:

vala --pkg=valum-0.3 src/app.vala

Building with waf

It is preferable to use a build system like waf to automate all this process. Get a release of waf and copy this file under the name wscript at the root of your project.

def options(cfg):

def configure(cfg):
    cfg.load('compiler_c vala')
    cfg.check_cfg(package='valum-0.3', uselib_store='VALUM', args='--libs --cflags')

def build(bld):
    bld.load('compiler_c vala')
        packages = 'valum-0.3',
        target   = 'app',
        source   = 'src/app.vala',
        use      = 'VALUM')

You should now be able to build by issuing the following commands:

./waf configure
./waf build

Building with Meson

Meson is highly-recommended for its simplicity and expressiveness. It’s not as flexible as waf, but it will handle most projects very well.

project('example', 'c', 'vala')

valum = dependency('valum-0.3')

executable('app', sources: ['src/app.vala'], dependencies: valum)
meson . build
ninja -C build

Running the example

VSGI produces process-based applications that are either self-hosted or able to communicate with a HTTP server according to a standardized protocol.

The HTTP implementation is self-hosting, so you just have to run it and point your browser at to see the result.
