libsoup-2.4 provides a built-in HTTP server that you can use to test your application or spawn workers in production.

using Valum;
using VSGI.HTTP;

new Server ("org.vsgi.HTTP", () => {
    res.status = Soup.Status.OK;
    return res.body.write_all ("Hello world!".data, null);
}).run ({"app", "--port", "3003"});


The implementation provides most options provided by Soup.Server through command-line options. The available options may vary and can be asserted with the --help flag.

Option Default Description
--port 3003 port the server is listening on
--all local listen on all interfaces
--ipv4-only disabled only listen to IPv4 interfaces
--ipv6-only disabled only listen on IPv6 interfaces
--file-descriptor none listen to the provided file descriptor
--https disabled listen for https connections rather than plain http
--ssl-cert-file none path to a file containing a PEM-encoded certificate
--ssl-key-file none path to a file containing a PEM-encoded private key
--server-header Valum/0.2 value to use for the “Server” header on Messages processed by this server.
--raw-paths disabled percent-encoding in the Request-URI path will not be automatically decoded


  • if --all is not supplied, the server will only listen to local interfaces
  • --all can be combined with --ipv4-only or --ipv4-only to listen on all IPv4 or IPv6 interfaces
  • if --https is specified, you must provide a SSL or TLS certificate along with a private key